Wood burning

Many communities in Northern Health are impacted by concerning levels of residential wood smoke which contains particulate matter.

What are the health effects of wood smoke?
  • Wood smoke is a complex mixture of gases and particles that can be breathed deep into the lungs and body
  • It can irritate eyes and airways
  • It may cause or aggravate respiratory illness and heart disease
  • In some rare cases, breathing smoke can cause death

If you must burn, use these quick tips
  • Only burn wood when necessary
  • Follow local burning bylaws
  • Don’t burn during an air quality advisory
  • Split, stack, cover, and store wood for 6 months prior to use
  • Use a moisture meter to check that wood has a moisture content of 20% or less
  • Use an efficient CSA or EPA certified wood stove
  • Don’t burn garbage or treated woods
  • Maintain your chimney and wood burning appliance so it burns clean and is safe

These tips will save you time and money. Even small reductions in smoke and particulate matter can have a large health impact.

